
Putting your faith in Christ is the first step in discovering the life for which God created you.  The next step is baptism.  Baptism is a public profession that you are trusting in Jesus for forgiveness of sin and you acknowledge him as Lord of your life.  We are not saved through baptism after we are saved our next step is following Christ in baptism.  There are no greater moments in the life of our church than when we celebrate new life in Christ together.  If your next step is baptism, please contact Pastor Tim by clicking HERE.  He will talk with you about what baptism represents and what to be ready for as you take this vital next step!


membersHIP class

We find that when people decide to make our church their home they often want to know more about our beliefs, history, mission, vision and values.  They are also curious about how then can take next steps toward being fully involved and engaged in the life of the church.  CENTER BASICS is led by Pastor Tim on a quarterly basis.  This is an easy way to learn more about the church and determine if you would be interested in joining the church as a member.  If you are interested in getting involved in the next offering of CENTER BASICS, please contact Pastor Tim by clicking HERE.


In 1 Corinthians it says, "you are the body of Christ and each one of you is a part of it."  We believe the "body" is healthiest and strongest when every member discovers its role and plays its part.  Everyone is uniquely created and has gifts, talents and abilities that can be used to serve God and enrich the lives of others.  We would love to have the opportunity to help you discover your gifts, passions, abilities, and how God uniquely created you to serve in our church, community and world.  We have opportunities with kids, teens, worship, technology, greeting and more.


A great first step toward finding your place to serve is completing a spiritual gift inventory.  You can click here to complete yours online.

Or CLICK HERE to contact the office about finding a place to serve.


We are fully committed to living JESUS CENTERED - LIFE TOGETHER.  We are convinced that God creates us for community and life is better together.  If you are interested in learning more about the Word of God, or if you are just looking for some people to share the journey of life with, we would encourage you to find a group that fits for you.  You might even find that before long the people in your group begin to feel like friends and you find yourself dynamically connected to a church family. CLICK HERE TO FIND A GROUP